As the season comes to a close, here are a couple of left over pictures. Josh loves the way our house looks in the snow and lights. He wants to do more, but we can only do a little at a time.
Lights on the pond. We didn't make it to Temple Square this year, but the kids didn't mind. It was nice because it was warm enough to walk around the pond. It was a fun activity.

The kids and Cheetos, what kid doesn't love Cheetos. They have fun together.

Dinner anyone? The kids were so cute that night. They even took some of my mums that were still blooming in December, and put them in the little vase for the table.

I never put a picture up of our tree. It turned out very lovely. This weekend everything gets put away. I love the song on the CD The Forgotten Carols "I cry the day that i take the tree down, i want the season to last all year round"

I hope everyone had a great year. And reflect on the blessing of this past year. WE have been so blessed this year. All our love The Smiths
Yep, it's now 2009--time to take the tree down (darn it). Glad the Holidays were wonderful for you and your family.
Your tree is beautiful....or should I say WAS?! Christmas goes by so fast it is sad to take it all down. Looks like you had a great holiday, though!
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