Ok, obviously the first picture isn't about my garden, I guess they are a garden in a way. They grow and i have to feed them for them to survive. Its our own personal little garden. The boys are really growing fast and Clayton wants to be like his big brother Wyatt. Here is my first grow box. There are all ready things i should of done differently but that's alright. There is always next year. I do have my peas planted. I need to do some more planting here soon. But here it is. I'm really excited and so are the kids. My only hope is that I will be an amazing gardener like my dad.
2 years ago
Garden boxes are fantastic. They keep the weeds contained. We had so much fun with our garden last year, we can't wait to do it again. Good luck!
That is exactly what I want to have this year!
We are doing square foot gardening this year (which is basically grow boxes). The goal is to get all of the RS sisters to grow something-- whether it be 20 square feet or a small victory garden (in a pot). Being self reliant is so awesome! I am kind of worried that I will end up killing everything we plant but we shall see! Good luck on yours :)
Yay for gardens! I'm waiting for the dirt to dry out a little before I can till our 75'x25' garden.
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