So i have had a hard time blogging lately. Its not that we haven't had things to blog about. I just seem to read everyones blog and run out of time updating my own. So I need to jump right back on to that horse and start again. So I'm slowing going to catch up. That way i won't be overwhelmed. I also wanted to start again with the days of the week and there themes. So today is MEMORY MONDAY. I thought i need to write about Clayton.
Isn't it funny when you have your first baby you have so many pictures and video of them..but than when it comes to your 3rd and the seems you slack a bit. I also blame it on the digital world. I don't have any physical pictures to hold. Its all on the computer.
Well on to Clayton. He has grown up so fast and i wonder where it went. Clayton is almost 19 months old, in this picture and he has great hair. Its a mix between Wyatt and Hailey. Wyatt has that great thick hair and Hailey of course has the curls and Clayton got both. And he has these great big blue eyes that could knock your socks off. Clayton loves to babble,and he knows a lot of words..but the biggest was the other day. He ran up to me and hug me and said, clear as day "I love you!" Josh was there to and he heard it and understood it. It brought tears to my eyes. He is such a sweet little boy. And he adores horses, just like his big brother Wyatt who wants to be a cowboy when he grows up. He is just these amazing little boy. I'm so thankful that he was able to come to my family and share his special spirit with us. We love our little "Clay, Clay".
2 years ago
CUTE! What an adorable little boy! I was going to say "baby boy" but he's not a baby anymore! Wow, our families need to get together again because all these little ones grow up so quickly!
What a little cutie! He is such a sweet little guy, we love "Clay Clay" too!
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