This topic has been on my mind for quite sometime. This past Sunday, in Relief Society, the lesson was on Prayer, actually Sacrament was on Prayer and Scripture study too. It became a day of hope for me. I wish I could remember where the talk came from that they shared in Relief Society, but it was on Prayer. What stood out for me in the talk was praying for everything your thankful for, daily, and don't ask for one thing. I have never looked at doing it that way. It seems we always pray for things we are thankful for and than go on with things we need. For me it has never been a pray of just THANKS. So after church, I decided to do just that with our family. I came home and did a personal prayer of Thanksgiving. Than at bed time we did our family pray of thanksgiving. And as we knelt down as a couple to pray that night it was an amazing feeling of thanksgiving. When we were done josh and I were both in tears. Yes Josh It was such a wonderful feeling. I feel as if we have received blessings that we haven't even ask for. And we have received more answers. So my food for thought seems to be. Take the time to pray and only pray for things you are thankful for. And do it daily, and oh how you will feel your load lighter that day.
2 years ago
David A. Bednar gave a great conference talk about that very subject last conference. I was actually just listening to it tonight. It is hard to remember to pray in thanksgiving when we feel like we have so much to ask. Good for you guys.
And yes! Lets get the kids together!
The Talk comes from David A. Bednar It is in the Ensign Nov. 2008 Conference issue. That lesson taught me a lot.
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