I'm really excited because i actually got them all in order. I guess sometime I should do slide shows, but I don't like waiting for the pictures to pop up. But they don't take up much space. Anyways, we recently got back from road tripping. It was quite an adventure. First we headed up to Colorado to visit my brother David and his wife Danica. We had such a great time. We always enjoy spending time with them. I'm glad it worked out well. Here are a couple of pictures from the drive.
I just want to add how wonderful dvd players are!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The kids were great in the car! But i think the dvd player saved us along with some different snacks...and of course Candy!

I tryied to take one of Josh and i but it didn't work out. Josh loved having his Ipod, it helped him stay awake.

I love this picture of Hailey!!
After Colorado, we contuined our trip to Illinois. Apparently Colorado was suppose to be kind of a have way point but, not really..lol. We spent close to 18 hours in the car on Saturday. We sure loved the rest stops!! We were so glad when we got to Grandmas house..normally the drive is 14 hours, and there was about 2 hours of rest time and than getting lost a bit on back roads in Illinois.
Once we got there, we spent every moment spending time with family. Wyatt had an instant friend, his cousin, Griffin. Hailey Clayton sure enjoy her time with Griffin too.

There was even some time to go canoening.

And of course a bond fire and some camping out. Camping was such a great adventure..its funny to see it threw other peoples eyes. The kids had a blast, but Josh was waking up every hour to make sure everyone was warm. And of course the minute the sun pops up so do the kids! I'm so glad i got to sleep in my bed that night. Thanks Josh for taking one for the team.
Looks like you guys had tons of fun! That's cool that you got to see a kangaroo! Mika would have loved that. I know what you mean about the candy and DVD players, its so true! Rachel said that going without a DVD player, after having one, would be like going without an epidural, after having one! (I'm sure you know what that is like.) I thought that was pretty funny! We missed you and your cute kids (and hubby) at family dinners.
Road trip! I totally agree about the DVD player in cars, life savers! Wow, was that your mom's house with the green wall? If so, it looks so different! But I guess its been like 10 years since I have been there! Glad you had a great trip, next time, add a stop in Wichita, Kansas! Miss ya!
Looks like your crew had an awesome time! DVD players are the bomb! Car rides, Airplane trips-- all made better by the DVD player. What did we do as kids on long road trips?? Oh ya, FIGHT! I almost forgot ;)
Looks like you had a great trip. Those will be great memories for you and your kids.
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