So with the last couple days being so nice outside I took the opportunity to get the ol' Bronco going again. I have had this old beast since I was 15! In fact our first date was in the ol Bronco, with our anniversary comming up, and the cool weather outside, I have been reminiscing about the past. This thing has been everywhere! I know its not much to look at, it used to look brand new! But oh the fun we have had! It has had a tree fall on it in the middle of the forrest, its hit a few trees itself, I have rolled it in Moab and its been wrecked 2 times in high school. 1 was my fault but the other wasnt! The one that was my fault I actually got thrown out and broke 2 bones and shattered 3 more in my left foot, CRAZY!
I have been pulled over in this old beast more times then any other vehicle, it does sound like a race car. I have gotten 1 exibition- street racing ticket, oops!

The gas gage has never worked, I cant count the times that we have ran out of gas.... Sometimes we lucked out and coasted to a gas station. I have had a few flats on it too. One time we had to hike like 6 miles out, in the middle of winter in the middle of the desert and luckily ran into someone!

I have been stuck so many times that I cant count that either! The back is chuck full of chains, ropes, straps, cables, come alongs shovels and tons of other stuff! I cant count how many people that I have gotten unstuck either, like the people from california on new years eve up payson canyon playing around in four bay, they might have stayed there all night.

The many Easter Jeep safaris and countless trips to Moab, where we would sqease 5 of my buddies in the bronco and everyone pitched in for gas, that made for a real cheap trip! Then busting the bronco on the dump bump and had to get it fixed to drive home, that one was not so cheap!

The time that I had a blind date with this girl named Marybeth, at first glance, looked a bit stuck up! As the night wore on and we got to know each other a little bit, the first glance wore off and i began to see something else. We went up Santaquin canyon to the privateer mines and went exploring in the mines... something that I have done since a wee lad. Roasted hot dogs and mallow and shot the handguns..... which by the way first glance she thought I was a total redneck! luv u hon
Sweet post Bro! You forgot about all the times you drove your little sis's up the underpass wall!
Ah yes! how could I forget that! Until I got pulled over for it right after my mission!
Jon and I both have memories in that bronco as well. Great post!!
That's so cool! My husband still has his 1987 S10 that he's had for about 15 years and just bought a new truck over the summer to drive to and from work. This new truck has AC and he doesn't have to put seran wrap around the windshield on this new truck :) Still Bruce can't part with his old truck, so it's sitting in our garage. I think that's so cool you still have your truck, Don't ever get rid of it!!!
Aren't first glances funny?
Looks like you guys have had lots fun, and I'm sure lots more fun to come!!
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