Hailey LOVES the movie Barbie and the diamond castle. Well, she got in her head that she wants one. A REAL diamond castle.
So the other day i guess she asked Josh, and Josh doesn't really remember the conversation. But apparently he said yes. So with excitement she had to tell her BF. And i quote from her BF mom "Oh my gosh! Hailey told Madi yesterday that Josh said she could have one and they both starting screaming with excitement at the top of their lungs. I had to go see if someone was bleeding out the head?! Madi keeps talking about how she can't wait 'til Hailey gets it and they can play with it...not to mention wondering when she'll get her own?! Those two are such girls! :)"
I think its adorable, and i don't have the heart to say "sweetheart, you won't be getting that diamond castle", I hate to break her hopes and dreams. So, i simply told her "When you grow up and save your money you can build that diamond castle"
Well today Wyatt told Hailey "Diamond castles aren't real"(I know he is such a great big brother..lol) Oh the tears just came down so hard. I just reassured her that she can build it if she wants to when she is old enough. We than started talking about how beautiful temples were just like the diamond castle. Hailey is such a big dreamer and head strong, that i know one day she will have that diamond castle. Gosh i love her.
2 years ago
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