Saturday, July 17, 2010


I always do these backwards. We had the privilege to keep two horned lizards for about a month. Josh and Wyatt went on a little adventure up the canyon on 4-wheelers and went hunting for some toads. Wyatt was so excited to bring them home. The picture below is when we let them go and said our farewells. Cute little guys aren't I didn't let them stay in my house, they lived in a cage outside in our garage. I'm not sure how much they ate, it was Wyatt's job to take care of them. I know they had plenty of water.

Wyatt and Clayton LOVED having them. But we had to let them go. They got smaller, because they weren't eating enough. They had so much fun with them. It was a nice little pet.
Below they are hanging on Wyatt's shirt. Side note, in Kindergarten Wyatt did a report on Horned lizards. He is such a fun kid.