the H1N1 strain in our home. Funny thing is Josh was the one who brought it home, not the kids. Josh went to the doctor and said he has one of the many strains of the H1N1. They didn't test him, i don't know why. Crazy, I figured our time was coming because like half our neighborhood has it. Fevers started last night for all of the kids. At least they are all getting it at the same time. Any tips or home remedies would be great. So life moves on.
2 years ago
Happy Halloween, huh?! Let me know if I can help out. It's never fun when everyone is sick at the same time (but better to get it over with). I hope it passes quickly for you guys. Shelley posted a remedy on her facebook account, oscillo-something. You may want to check it out.
VITAMIN D3!!! when it gets cold and you aren't in the sunlight, everyone gets depleted hence the larger number of flus and colds in the winter (even though viruses thrive more in warmer weather, you are less likely to get sick since you get sunshine)anyway, give everyone (even little kids) D3, it will overload the virus and help the body kill it. new studies say D is more effective than C to combat sickness. Try to find capsules with powder (just dump into juice) or liquid tabs (poke and add to juice) can't really OD so go nuts and get some D3! Good luck.
Oh, I'm so sorry! My parents and 2 brothers also got H1N1. Luckily a week later they are all doing well. I'm so glad you tried my green shake! I think the spinach scares people but it is really yummy. I'm learning lots and I'd love to share more ideas!
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