I can't believe I have a kid in soccer. He is doing great, i even think he is coming out of his shell by doing it. He loves playing it. He is number 9, He assited on a goal. He had fun!!
Wyatts kicking the ball in.
Soccer pratice.
Hailey the cheerleader....she is so cute!!
2 years ago
Good job Wyatt. And Happy B-day claton! I can't believe you and lily are 1!
What cute kids you have! It is crazy to think that Wyatt is already old enough to be in soccer!
So your a soccor mum! Goof for you! Congratulations Wyatt! Your gonna be a star like David Beckam! Have fun! Love you guys!
Ahh soccer! We will be starting next Saturday too. My kids love it. Mal was way more agressive than Max was last year so we'll see how he does this year. Jesse says its a girl sport but I totally disagree! Aren't they just the cutest in their lil' uniforms?
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