So many people have been touched by her in one way or another and we have all been devastated with the crushing news her family received just last week.
Amy has been diagnosed with Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. The doctors stopped counting the lesions on her brain at 33, even though there are more. She has a large tumor on her lungs (site of origin), her sacrum...it's everywhere. She hasn't been given very good odds of survival, but we're all praying and fasting for a miracle.
Originally Amy was told she only had a few weeks to live, the latest news is that with treatment she could possibly live up to six months. Hopefully after treatment her life expectancy will be even longer...miracles happen every day! Prayers and fasting would be much appreciated.
Now we, as a community, are hoping to raise money to help with the inevitable mountain of medical bills they will have as they fight for more time, and to allow them some funds to make some wonderful memories together with the time they do have.
Most of all...if you could spread the word to anyone in the surrounding areas so we can get a great turnout at the Fundraiser, here are the specifics:
Fundraiser/Bake Sale/Yard Sale
for Amy(Reed)Jackson
Friday, April 23 and Saturday April 24
from 8:00am until evening
270 East Main in Santaquin (at EAGALA )
across from Subway
It would be so wonderful to be able to help out this amazing family in such a difficult time. Please come out and support them!!!
This is horrific and I ache for that family! I will do what I can here in Illinois. thank youf or posting Mary! I wish the family the best in these circumstances.
I will say some prayers for her
her family.
It's so weird, we found out on Saturday that our neighbor has a brain tumor. We all did a fast and so many prayers.
I hope your friend does well! Again, we will add her to our prayers.
So so sad! I also heard about her from Celesta who knows her from the elementary school. We are praying for this family!
What a perfectly worded post! You have been such a huge support through all of this--I have to thank you for being there for her and me--it's like we're all in mourning over the unknown. Thanks for being an example of friendship and thoughtfulness.
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