Happy Belated Birthday to Wyatt!!
(His birthday was back in Feb)
Life has gotten away from me, and now I'm gaining control. This past Feb we had Wyatt's birthday. We were only going to a family party, but Wyatt had other ideas. He wanted a friend party so he told me when he turned 6.5 that he would have a party. So I said ok. We had 3 other boys come and we played Wyatt's grandparents Wii game system. They had so much fun playing star wars. We had an Indian Jonas cake per Wyatt's request.
Wyatt has grown up so fast. I can't believe he is 6. He loves school, and does very well. Just this past week we had parent, teacher and student conference, and he is doing great! His reading has progressed really well. And he has "excellent classroom behavior". We are proud of his hard work. He is still my outdoor kid, even when its freezing. Oh, and he loves cleaning he told me, just not picking up toys...lol. Its better than nothing right?! We love our Wyatt.
He is always full of surprises. I love that he feels comfortable to tell us stuff he hears at school, even though I don't always like what i hear. Wyatt told me the other day "girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider and boys go to mars to get more candy bars" I remember that one when i was a kid. He is such a great kid. I guess I'm biased because I'm his mother.
I heard that rhyme come out of Mallory's mouth not too long ago and I couldn't help but teach her the 'boy' version so she would stop laughing. Am I mean??
I can't think of the boy version. Can you help me out??
OK- you can either just flip the boy/girl to say girls got to jupiter... boys go to mars. Or my favorite is 'boys go to college to get more knowledge, girls go to jupiter to get more stupider'. Pretty sad that I know all of this useless info huh? I think I MUST HAVE GONE TO JUPITER!! :)
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