You know its time to get your hair done when your two year old points to your hair and says "Dog, Dog, Dog"!
2 years ago
Come sit down on our unfinished yard so we can enjoy your company.
You know its time to get your hair done when your two year old points to your hair and says "Dog, Dog, Dog"!
Posted by Smith Family at 4:19 PM
What? No pics?? Get on it!
JK I know what you mean, my hair is looooongg and I'm starting to hate it but don't want to cut it!
leave it to a toddler to tell it like it is. When allie was 2, she would pat my stomach and say...oooo squishy! if we didnt laugh, we'd cry! miss ya!
Kids say the darndest things--gotta love their honesty sometimes :)
What a funny boy! My hair is way past due!
Maybe he was really looking at a dog and just telling you about it??
Oh my gosh I laughed so hard when I read that Mary Beth. He is so funny! I agree with the earlier comment, where's the picture! LOL Just kidding, I don't even believe you could've got a picture showing that cause your hair is always so cute!
Oh, and hope you play volleyball!
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