I really thought this was neat. When we went to Illinois we visited my brother Bill. Well, he had the magazine LDS Living and in there there was a featured article. On this artist, James C. Christensen. Amazing work! This picture is called "Hold to the Rod". Here is what he said about his picture. "In it, the character is burden with dozen of objects he has collected to make himself feel confident and safe. They may be material possessions, but they may also be titles or responsibilities. The man longs to reach up and hold the iron rod above him, but he is afraid to let go of his belongings." I feel like we all can relate to this man, where we get wrapped up in the world around us and forget to hold tight. Just thought i would share, there are some other amazing other ones too. One day i would like to have one of his pictures in my home.
2 years ago
I love it that you Marybeth!
Great picture and analogy!
I really like that artist. I have a book of his and I can look at each picture for a long time.
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