So this past week seemed crazy! Wyatt was graduating, Haily had lots of dance rehearsals and a recital, my birthday, and a fun trip to the fish hatchery.
Yesterday, the weather was cold and rainy, so we decided to go for a drive up the canyon to see if the gate was open. Usually they try to have it opened by Memorial day weekend. Some years it hasn't been open due to snow slides. This year it was great. Well, on our drive we ended up at the Fish hatchery. I have never been. Wyatt and Josh have gone. It was awesome. The kids had a blast!! If you haven't ever taken your kids there you should. The guy that was working was way nice and he gave us a bucket with some fish food in it. The fish would go crazy when we sprinkled the fish food in it. It was awesome. We are definitely going to go back more often. Plus its FREE!
We were almost out of fish food, but that didn't stop Clayton. That boy cracks me up.

The kids racing.

It seemed that they had two kids of fish. I didn't get a chance to ask what kind. So there were Yellow fish and gray fish. The Yellow ones are easier to see in the pictures

Josh even tried catching one with his bare hands.

Hailey is the 4th one in from the left. What a production. Her teacher has, I think about 8 classes, i could be off on that number, but their were at least 12 in each class. She really does an amazing job. Hailey wants to do it again next year, so we will see. Oh yeah, we have video, but its on the other camera. We will have to get that all worked out.

Daddy got her flowers. She loved them.

Hailey just waiting to perform. They had the works for these girls. Sparkle spray and everything. She was in heaven!

Wyatt's preschool graduation was amazing to. His teachers are "out of this world". They had an outer space theme. We will have to get that video up too. Wyatt did an wonderful job at preschool. He had his ups and downs, but i really think that it prepared him for kindergarten. We even have him reading a little. I just have to keep it up over the summer so he doesn't lose it.

Here are the kids rocking it out on our little trip to the fish hatchery.
Happy Birthday last week! Looks like you had some fun things going on. Calvin had his preschool graduation too. It is pretty cute the stuff the teachers do.
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