Friday, February 6, 2009

Its been to long.

Yes, its been a long time since i have posted anything. I"m feeling very overwhelmed. I will try to slowly catch up. So with these cold winter days, boredom and silliness has come out and showed its face. Here is a picture of us and the kids having fun with our camera. Wyatt and his best friend Jackson have been spending a lot of time together. And they are funny as ever.

They enjoy playing army guys and stringing them up for fun. Its amazing that they were able to get them to stay.
Little Hailey started Sunbeams and is loving it here are a couple of pictures with her teacher and her friend Alivia. She is learning so much. The other day, we were at her Great Grandmas house and with all the family there..she stood in the middle and said "Jesus said love everyone" so cute. To bad she doesn't feel that when she is hitting

Playgroups are great! My friend Alisha has been doing these great play dates..its been great for the kids and the moms too. In these two pictures they pretend to camp out and they sang songs. And of course, what camp out wouldn't be complete with out Smores.
There are some great looking future missionaries in that tent.
And look at these beautiful girls. They are all amazing! Hailey told me today what she wanted to be when she grew up. She said "Doctor, surgery." I have no idea where that came from..but i think its wonderful. And she said she wants to be a mom too. With 5 kids all girls. I think she will be wonderful at anything she decided to do. What an aspiring plan from a 3 year old.


The Lindsays said...

Fun to have a post...I've been checking in on a regular basis?! Love the first picture of you and your kids, so cute!

Robin said...

Good to hear from you Mary Beth! So cute!

I could die happy in Forks... said...

Good to hear from you! Glad you are back! ;0) You have been busy! Take care!

Marilee said...

Welcome back! Cute pics!

The Willardson Family said...

It's fun to see your cute pics. I think that the kids are growing up too fast!