So, I called my mom and dad's house on Thursday to talk to my dad about gardening. Well, my dad wasn't home and my mom than told me that today was her birthday. I felt horrible, and i felt even worse knowing that the week had gotton away with me and I hadn't sent any thing for Mothers day. So what better way to make up for my mistakes and write something special for her. Everyone can read it and know how special she is to me.
There is this quote by Gordon B. Hinckley that really decribes what my mom is and what she has done for others.
"You provide inspiration. You provide balance. You constitute a vast reservoir of faith and good works. You are an anchor of devotion and loyalty and accomplishment. No one can gainsay the great part you play in the onward rolling of this work across the earth."
I'm greatful that you have been there for me as a Mother, first and a best friend second. I'm greatful to be able to call you up and talk about the challenges of motherhood and for you to listen and share your experiences. I'm greatful for the strong testiomony you have and the many ways you share it. You really are my inspiration to have more patiences and understanding with my kids. To be someone they look up to. To be a better me. Being a mother now, i too understand the sacrefices you made for our family when i was a kid. I'm greatful for the love you have for our Savior Jesus Christ, it inspires me to have a better relationship with my Savior. My only wish, as i strive in this life is to be a good example for my kids and for them to remember the important things in life, like my mother did. I want use another quote by Gordon B Hinckley.
"Never forget that you came to earth as a child of the divine Father, with something of divinity in your very makeup. The Lord did not send you here to fail. He did not give you life to waste it. He bestowed upon you the gift of mortality that you might gain experience-positive, wonderful, purposeful experience--that will lead to life eternal.....May God bless you richly and abundantly, my dear....friends, His wonderful daughters."
I'm greatful to know that i'm truely a daughter of God. Some days i have a hard time believeing that. But to really truely know it, changes everything. I hope we all remember that we are a child of God
2 years ago
It's always nice to be reminded that we are daughters of God. It can be such a challenge being a mother, and when you remember your worth, it makes life seem a little easier.
PS when can you bring the kids for a play date?
Your mom will love that, such nice things to say.
That is so sweet! I am the worst at remembering my mom's birthday (or any other birthday for that matter) so I totally understand how you feel!
I can't believe you forgot Moms birthday! Sucks to be you! Nice save though, I liked it!
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